Saturday, April 2, 2011

How to get rid of Cockroaches | Tampa Pest Control

Our Tampa Pest Control perimeter pest service performed on the exterior of your home before they get inside.

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Wanting to know how get rid of your roach problem, most often requires an effective cockroach  roach control program. Our Tampa Pest Control perimeter pest control program offers you an effective three step process, of eradication, prevention and sanitation as they are the foundation for delivering you the best long-term prevention for your home or commercial building. Once we have successfully eliminated all the Palmetto bug, German roaches, Asian roaches, and all the Florida Woods roaches from around your home, office or commercial building, we will then create a barrier around your structure allowing you to begin to go about your life worry- free once again, without the concern of ever getting another infestation, that's what we call preventative pest control. Dont just choose any Tampa Pest Control company for your premier outdoor pest control program. With us you will receive our customized roach extermination perimeter pest control treatment. Roaches are a nuisance, but you can be assured, that Nelson's will eliminate and control them using safe and  proper techniques. When considering any of our specialty pest services or our general pest control programs, rest assured as we deliver the best Tampa pest control for your home and business. 
Discounts and Specials for your Tampa Pest Control Home or Business : Heard about us from the Internet ???
Then be sure to ask for this one time special savings when you sign up for a program over the phone. Immediately, we will take $15 off your First service by just mentioning the COUPON CODE-TPCBlog15
Additional discounts can be found on our Promotions Page

Having been voted Small Business of the year in 2003 by the St Petersburg Times and the West Pasco Chamber of Commerce and we still make it our priority everyday to deliver exceptional results and service to every one of our customers! Delivering you professional pest control is our business. 


  1. Great article!

  2. I'm glad that I ended up here in your post.Currently I have a big problem in our house.I will consider this your post...Thanks for sharing...

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  3. I really hate cockroaches, not just their bad smell but because they bring bacterias to our food as well..This is a good idea to let the cockroaches not exist in our life.

    pest control phoenix az

  4. I guess cockroaches doesn't require anything to feed on, my wife just can't stand for a minute where these insects are present, you can use some sprays to get rid of them.

  5. Thanks for sharing this information with us, these tiny crawlers usually show up in the bathrooms, no matter how much clean they are cockroaches still find a way to come in.

  6. Cockroach controlling is really very difficult. But, we can keep our house moisture free and dry then they will be discourage form making habitat into our house. Prevention is better than cure.


  7. Give your house a thorough cleaning. Begin by getting rid of all the crumbs that falls all over. Remember a crumb is food for a roach for many months. Vacuum under fridges, stoves and any dark corners of your house. natural cockroach repellent
